Queen of Angels: Virgin Mary Day-Workshop

Incl. lecture with photos and video. Virgin Mary occupies a distinguished position, not least in the Catholic Church, and many miracles are attributed to her.
Step forward, my child, and get comfort and relief.


  • The Virgin in scripture and art
  • Notre Dame – Cathedral of Our Lady
  • The spiritual state of France
  • Healing energies of Mary
  • Presentation af Queen of Angels – a sweet floral symphony

(Photo: Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre, Paris)

My heart bleeds. The Cathedral of the Virgin is burning. An accident, the French authorities say. Well ... These words I wrote to a dear friend as the flames were consuming the old cathedral, landmark for all of France during centuries.
You will be introduced to the Mother Church of All: Notre Dame in Paris, built in beautiful Gothic architecture with a wealth of fine details.I myself have had many profound spiritual revelations in the cathedral, which I would describe as one of the most highly spiritual places I have ever visited. My presentation of the cathedral and its beauty is therefore seen through my eyes.
With thousands of Jews fleeing from growing anti-Semitism, hundreds of churches being burned or disgraced annually, fierce unrest in large sections of the community over recent years and present-day corona-virus, the cathedral is all the more important in a France characterised by a spiritual crisis.
Together we will delve into the magnificent healing energies of Mary and enjoy various works of art portraying her through the centuries – including the mysterious black Madonna’s.
You will also be introduced to my new beautiful body-oil and perfume: Queen of Angels, a tribute to Virgin Mary inspired by the very special energy of Notre Dame.

Book an event to delve into the world of beautiful energies of Virgin Mary
Price pr. person: 650 D kr (if in Copenhagen)

Please contact me to schedule a time for your group.
