How beautiful are the feet of those
who bring good news.

(Romans 10:15)

God said to Moses:
I am who I am.

(Exodus 3:14)

Know your Soul Purpose!

Drop your shoulders, accept guidance and blessings from above and let divine solutions pave the way for your vision.

In the movie Prince of Egypt, Jethro sings to Moses: So how can you see what your life is worth? Or where your value lies? You can never see through the eyes of man. You must look at your life through heaven’s eyes.” Exactly! “Get help from Heaven” is addressed to you who want to understand the events in your life in a larger – cosmic – perspective. What is the common thread? And what does it say about you? What are your deepest longings and biggest challenges?

To help understand your present situation, you may choose to go on a guided journey into the mystery. Where are you heading towards? And how have you arrived to this point in life? Understanding creates meaning, so you can easier let go of old patterns and steer towards your heart’s desires. Your stress level drops; your joy increases. During our journey together, we will look into the heart of the matter, and at the end of it, you will have clarity about how to turn the situation to your advantage, so that you can align with the vision of your heart.

You are never alone! 

Don’t think you have to do it all by yourself! God’s benevolent Eye and the whole angelic kingdom are ready to help you! “Be in this world, but not of this world”. Thereby, you avoid running on the hamster wheel, comparing yourself to others. When Jesus calls us to be in this world, but not of this world, it means that we must not succumb to this world’s demands and circus, but acknowledge our spiritual covenant with God!

Therefore, stop trying to “fit in”: You are unique and your task is to protect the gifts that God has given you so that you – and your life – can flourish! Learn to look at yourself through God’s eyes, not the world’s, i.e. learn to see yourself as one of God’s beloved children – as a living soul with a direct telephone line to God –  and let go of the ego’s endless demands.
The angels say: Do not control your life – or others – for you are life itself!

As Above, so Below

As a mystic and energy worker – and an HSP (highly sensitive person) – I know how important it is to take time for yourself. The word Aloneness reveals the gift that aloneness gives you: All-One-Ness, i.e. this state of mind where you are aware that everything is connected; a state that gives you vision and insight. Seeing oneself as an important piece in the great whole instills both humility and gratitude. It also means that your most important task is to create balance – within yourself – because in doing so you make the world a better place. At the same time, such an attitude means that you are my equal. Thus, my task is not to lead you anywhere. No, my task is to identify together with you what your soul really thirsts for – to find peace and joy. Your soul knows the Truth – now it’s about removing the veils so you can see and hear to find the Way.

My offer to you is: Spiritual healing

… so you can release your frustration, your stress, your confusion…, relax your body and let divine solutions pave the way for your vision. Looking at yourself through God’s eyes creates a completely different image of who you are. God will never leave you or forsake you! His love is like life-giving water when you are most thirsty…

Why is “Get help from Heaven” such an effective method? The answer is almost obvious: We can accomplish a lot down here on earth, but our perspective is narrow and colored by circumstances. God, on the other hand, cuts through, creates miracles and can heal any situation.
As in heaven, so also on earth. In the Bible, there are many stories of people who are confused about how to approach a situation. And the Book tells about how God answers them through signs, dreams and omens. We get signs all the time – and we can ask for even more! Just remember:
God is God; tools are tools.

Step into the alchemical process where you turn lead into gold:
Activate your spiritual DNA and fulfil your destiny! 

We love, because he first loved us.

(1. John. 4:19)

Heal your darkness:

  • Does your life make sense right now?
  • Can you see the wood for the trees?
  • Are you feeling exhausted and stressed out?
  • Do you have the guts to end what needs to be finished?
  • Do you carry a heavy burden on your shoulders – of old stories, grudges, anger, injury, injustice…?
  • Do you want a different view on a possible diagnosis?

Boost your joy:

  • Practice gratitude and believe in miracles
  • Find the red thread in your life’s fairytale
  • The night is darkest just before dawn: it is in difficult moments
    that your senses are awakened and you get the opportunity to
    see and hear clearly!
  • Compost your failures for a new beginning
  • Feel the body – practice sensory exercises!
  • Open up for God’s blessings in your life

 Activate your spiritual DNA

Let me say it right away: I don’t believe in quick fixes. On the other hand, I know that miracles do happen, not when we want, but at God’s command. Miracles are gifts of grace that are given without our contribution. However, I have noticed that they especially appear when we have been pro-active ourselves. In other words: God helps those who help themselves. It is called “co-creation”.

Your VIP reading will be based upon the socalled  Taro-Scope, my own invention, which, as the name says, is a combination of tarot and horoscope. The cards you draw will correspond to aspects of your horoscope and reflect what your soul is currently preoccupied with. The Taro-Scope is a tool; not a (life) sentence. It is not clairvoyance either, but a conversation with your subconscious, whereby hidden aspects of the core of the matter can come to light and be clarified. You will be surprised to learn how cards and planets interact! You’ll get deep insight into your family history, your mother and father, your upbringing… and how it has effected your current life and the challenges you face. Sometimes a “crack” opens in the sky that impacts your life in the most profound way. There are circumstances that can feel so stressful that it can take anyone’s breath away. But you can take the pressure off at any time by accepting help from Heaven so that you can look at your situation differently and make new choices. Your attitude means everything.

Is Get help from Heaven for you? 

Here are a few clues to who you might be to benefit from such a reading:
* You know that no one can define you – only you have access to your soul.
* But you also have an intuitive understanding that there is something bigger than you – a source of wisdom that far surpasses what you know about… 
* That is why you are humble as to the cosmic perspective and open to an active cooperation with Spirit
* You are grounded in the Judeo-Christian heritage – regardless of whether you are a believer in the classical sense or not.
* You like to challenge your various senses as well as your intellect and are happy to seek new ways to stimulate your inner spark of God.
* You probably also have a great love of Nature which I personally consider to be God’s great cathedral – with everything She offers…
* You intuitively sense that incorporating spiritual values can contribute to your situation/business/practice. Everything is a matter of energy.
* And last but not least: You have self-awareness and ask questions to find the “meaning” of your life.

You have a diagnosis?

Maybe you’ve got a diagnosis? In this case you may also benefit from a reading – and get a completely different view of what you consider your challenges. More and more people are getting diagnosed… A psychiatrist stated that 82% of the Danish population would at some point experience challenges with their mental health and thus receive some kind of diagnosis. – Do you really believe that God has created so many people with defects? Of course not! We humans walk on planet Earth and carry the weight of the earth within us. Life will always go up and down. It is completely by the book – and totally natural. If this topic is relevant to you, and you wish to get another view of your life, a reading may be the way to greater self-understanding – and self-love.
For many years I have checked up on famous people who got diagnosed. It has given me great knowledge about which planetary constellations may permit the “system” to label someone with a diagnosis. However, I would like to emphasize that a VIP reading is not for you who have difficult – possibly – dangerous diagnoses, nor for you who has been put on psychiatric drugs (the latter block your inner wisdom).

NB: There is a huge difference between mental illness and life crisis – even though today the two are often confused indiscriminately. Everything in life goes up and down; life crises are a normal part of life and can bring us closer to ourselves, give us greater perspective on life and help us develop stamina and gratitude. They are not an expression of any “mental disorder” but often occur to lead us (back) on the right track, when we have lost our way, lost ourselves or simply don’t know who we are. By the way, another word for illness is disease – and that is as the name says: a dis ease = something is unbalanced and it’s our job to regain harmony. This applies to all spheres of life.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.

(Genesis 2:7)

Why would you choose a VIP reading?

Your situation:

  • What is your highest wish for the next year(s) if you could choose freely?
  • And what do you think is stopping you from achieving it?
  • Do you feel anxious, worried… Are you facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge/obstacle?
  • Is there an old story you’re having a hard time letting go of?
  • Do you have to make an important decision and are confused?
  • Or do you simply wish for more insight into your soul’s journey? Why are you where you are? And how are your individual life chapters connected – in a cosmic perspective?

What can you use a VIP reading for?

  • Get clarity on your biggest challenge and what steps you can take right now
  • Develop a clear and accessible plan for the near future
  • Face up to reality, have trust in miracles and find your feet
  • Gain a greater spiritual understanding of the various chapters of your life
  • Get inspired to see new doors – where and with whom?
  • Co-create with God

The VIP Journey:

The VIP reading begins with a long meeting:  Allow approx. 3 hours for this first meeting, the so-called VIP day. I prefer that we meet in person but if this is not possible we’ll meet online. Before we meet I’ll have tuned into your stars – both the ones you were born under and the ones that shine for you right now. I will therefore know why you come… It will also be during this meeting that you draw cards to make your oracle spread. This will show what your soul is currently preoccupied with – and as you’ll see, stars and cards will clarify one another. At this first meeting, we will identify the main theme for you right now (= Why you’ve contacted me)  and also concentrate on the past, i.e. your life story, which determines how you “ended up” where you are.
Then I will send you material based on the 5 S’s (see below) with relevance specifically for you, including planetary aspects and how they may influence you, archetypes that are linked to your story – wild woman, the wounded healer, the King, the lover, the poet… – as well as Bible stories/words that may encourage you. At a final meeting – physical or online – we gather all relevant material to answer questions, challenges and gifts that are linked to your Taro-Scope. This will lead to a plan of action ready to use!

Get Help from Heaven is for you who are open to get a new perspective to your situation. You must be “clean” to engage with me, i.e. you must not have an alcohol problem (or have had any alcohol the day we meet), be a drug addict (even if you take drugs only for fun) or been put on psychiatric drugs. Our journey together requires full attention from both of us. So you must ready yourself, be brave and open to the unknown. 

Get Help from Heaven!

The VIP day itself includes:

  • Interpretation of your oracle spread: What is the main theme?
  • And of your astrological chart: Where do you come from? And where are you heading? We particularly concentrate on the urgent question/dilemma you would like to have clarified.
  • Keywords for your very personal “fairytale” about the “good” and the “evil”: What motivates and lifts you up and what drags you down especially as to your present (life-)story.
  • A light meal or snack so you can come straight from work if necessary.
  • A secret gift 
  • A beautiful folder for the notes you take along our journey (if we meet in person). All material will be available to you at the end of our journey: Your chart, your oracle spread, all information and exercises.

We follow up with:

  • Highlights from our first conversation. What is the most important message? And how can you integrate the spiritual guidance in your life?
  • Timeline for important aspects that may influence your decisions and overall plan.
  • What options you have in relation to your questions/challenges. What is wise to do? What initiatives can you make to strengthen your position and get clarity?
  • Which planetary actors play a special role in your life? Lilith, Chiron, Pluto, Saturn….? What key actors known from the tarot do you recognise in yourself? In short: Which archetypes do you identify with?
  • What does God say? And what does Satan say? And how can you tell the difference between the two? (it sounds simple – but Satan is cunning…)
  • Uplifting Bible quotes and stories to boost your inner power.
  • The fullness of the Earth: What may you do on a pratical level to raise your vibration? What are your favorite tools?
  • Your plan.

Heaven’s perspective will be paramount to the outcome of your journey, in a physical sense as to how you react to the planetary movements and spiritually, as we listen to the words of God. The voice of Spirit is so powerful, because it gives our life perspective and deeper meaning, motivates us to stay on track and raises us above our earthly challenges. Your journey will include interpretation of your horoscope (+ important transits including the timeline for the next year or two), oracle spread and how the two are connected, i.e. what your soul is currently focusing on as key areas in your life that you should be aware of.

We will use all five tools represented on the diagram below. Get help from Heaven/Activate your spiritual DNA thus comprises the 5 S’es:

* Star-Signs: Your stars, as they appeared when you were born. What do you have in your baggage – of challenges and gifts? How does it reflect in your life? Why have you contacted me now? Indeed, there are many questions, and that’s why you will draw oracle cards to show what your soul is presently preoccupied with – as you will see, stars and cards engage in a beautiful conversation. 
* Serpent-Wisdom: In a Christian perspective, the serpent often stands for the devil, but the serpent is also a symbol of healing. By knowing the different facets of the “serpent” in your life, you have the opportunity for transformation – or even transmutation. The Bible tells of God’s wonderful power to shine and penetrate even utter darkness. The Book is therefore a wonderful ally – and foundation – for regaining courage and joy in life.
* Shining-Splendor: Your most important task is to love yourself unconditionally. Because only then can you show genuine love to others. When you find peace in being who you are, you will be radiant. And you will find it much easier to come up with good solutions to your life’s challenges:
A new course towards redemption and breakthrough in your life, new courage in a difficult situation, a song of praise in gratitude for everything you have received, or a prayer when you have a difficult decision to make…

* Soul-solution: We look again at the interaction between stars and oracle cards: Which course is the wisest for you to take right now. What cosmic energies will be prevalent in the next 1-2 years. How do they affect you – and is it something you’ve already tried before – and even know how to deal with? If not: What precautions can you take? Remember: With God all things are possible.
* Self-care: We all need to “feel” the energies in our own body to fully understand what we have come for and what the gain is. The body is important: Have you noticed how you become disillusioned when you are in pain, tired, drained, etc. What can you do to give your body the perfect conditions for a life in balance? When you combine spirituality and sensuality – Father Heaven and Mother Earth…

Are you ready? 

When ordering, please submit your date of birth and place and pay the chosen fee into my Danish bank account 2112 3493 4248 65. Remember to state your name. Please allow at least 8 days for me to prepare your horoscope and tune in to your planetary energies. Payment of any remaining instalment is due the subsequent month. 

All material including your chart and copy of your oracle spread will be given to you in person or sent to you via mail. If we live far apart you will not receive a physical folder or any physical gifts but you will receive other bonusgifts to give you full credit for your engagement. If you choose this option ie if we are not going to meet in person, you must have access to the cards I use and I will ask you not to draw cards on the internet, but physically while we work together. This gives by far the best result.

When our journey together is finished you are welcome to follow up with more sessions, where we can continue our work with exercises, rituals, symbols, scents etc. that can all help you fulfill your soul’s vision (see also

 Before you make your final booking we shall have a conversation

  • partly so that you can fulfill your expectations as best as possible
  • partly so that I can assess whether we are a good match, i.e. whether I can help you. 

Yes please. I am interested in a VIP reading

God is God; tools are tools:

As a tool, we’ll use the TaroScope, my own invention, which, as the name says, is a combination of tarot and horoscope. A horoscope is neither a”summary list” nor “divination” and can never be used to define you. It reflects the cosmic dance that you are part of. The stars move and affect you; you move and think new thoughts – about yourself and the world… The horoscope will therefore show new facets of you each time you turn to it. The interpretation also depends on how conscious you are: Whether you “dare” to dive into the depths of your soul. Finally, the reading naturally depends on your choice of “star interpreter” – whether the two of you are on the same wavelength and whether you share common values and understanding of life.

My own approach is deep respect and humility towards the task of putting into words some of the main currents in your horoscope. Furthermore, my interpretation will be largely influenced by my trust in the interaction between the divine forces and us humans. I would like to emphasize in this connection: God is God; tools are tools. Many people confuse the two…
Your choice of tarot cards will clearly reflect which aspects of your horoscope your soul is currently preoccupied with. The choice will be automatically colored by current transits, i.e. how the starry sky affects you. Before you come, I have tuned into you via your horoscope – and I therefore also know why you have contacted me right now. It will also appear on the first card you draw. The card won’t surprise me – and it will not surprise you either:-).

A Taro-Scope tells you what you already know deep down and supports you in focusing on the opportunities in your life instead of the obstacles. Together, we’ll tell your story with a beautiful finale (the last card you draw is always interpreted positively; i.e. it will reflect the victory of overcoming your challenges). The reading itself is a co-operation between you, me and Spirit.

The Taro-Scope invites you to get a closer look at what your soul tries to tell you. It will help you see and hear what is going on in your life – so you can respond with courage and clarity of mind. It will also allow you to focus your prayers, because – to be sure – sometimes it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. It’s easy to get lost!
However, God has a plan for you:Your role is to stick to it despite challenges and obstacles.
Let yourself be inspired to take the next step, and the next – even if you can’t see the end-result. Look for signs and symbols, be alert and enjoy the journey!

And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens
to separate the day from the night.
And let them be for signs and for seasons,
and for days and years.

(Genesis 1:14)

What is “normal”?

Many people spend a lot of time today trying to fit in with the “normal”. And society spends a lot of time defining “normality”. It is sometimes quite amusing to check up on disease pathology through the ages and experience how “normality” was viewed in the past. Once, not so long ago, women who suffered from PMS (premenstrual syndrome) were considered to be hysterical. They had to take cold baths to relieve the hysteria, something that certainly did not help the pain. There were also women who had psychic gifts. They were burned at the stake, preferably together with cats, which are nocturnal animals associated with the moon..…

We are not much better today. Rarely have so many succumbed to shaming, unhappiness, stress, loneliness etc. We can of course blame society, the politicians, the media… We can also put labels on others – or diagnose them – to make ourselves feel better. Some people even choose to hide behind diagnoses – because then their behavior is not their “fault”, but the diagnosis’. If you seek help from public authorities, you may not be given access into the “system”, unless you have a diagnosis. A far more constructive solution, however, is to choose to concentrate on ourselves, find balance in being who we are, and thus clarify when we should be active and when we do best to step back.

Of course, God did not create “defective” people: You were born exactly the way you are supposed to be! Some are outgoing and robust; others more introverted and sensitive. We need to be wise and choose our battles carefully. Both the ones we take with ourselves – and the ones we play out in the world. We humans are sensitive beings whose vibrations are highly synchronized with the circumstances of our lives. We are not robots, and thankfully so. It is all the more important for each one of us to know one’s true identity as a soul connected with Spirit in a body – and take due care of it. This will determine the attitude you take to the circumstances in your life.

All Glory to God!

During a VIP reading you will understand what is really at stake so you don’t waste time and money in vain. The reading is based on a personal interpretation of your tarot layout combined with your astrological chart or what I call: A Taro-Scope.


Some processes take longer, and we allow for that with a “plan” that is realistic so it fills you with courage, inspiration, gratitude and joy. As you will discover, the stars fit perfectly with the cards you draw. Before you come, I will tune into you and your planets so that I know why you have booked a VIP reading. It will also appear on your first card! (You must book an appointment at least 8 days before our meeting, so I have time to prepare properly).

The dialogue takes place between you, me and Spirit.

Please notice: You don’t book a session but a journey: What is the main theme of this journey? This will be the title of your “plan”. Dates by appointment.

Consider your VIP reading as Silence before Creation: A time for contemplation before action.

Please feel free to sign up for the newsletter and read about David and Goliath.

This will give you an idea of how we approach your (fairytale) story!

You may also combine with Maison Cybele Onana oils that support you on your life journey:

All Glory to God!

Yes please. I am interested in a VIP reading

How may you profit from the Get help from Heaven program? Here are some snapshots that might inspire you:

4 years later and still filled with joy of having taken up the challenge of seeing into her soul! Susan knows today that she is not alone and uses her toolbox of spiritual solutions when life presents her with a challenge. She appreciates every step of the way and no longer measures herself against others or feels at the mercy of circumstances – because she knows God has her back.

5 years later and still in awe of the revelation he had during our work together. At the time, he – a famous businessman – was in an unhappy marriage and was unsure whether to choose the wife – or the mistress. To him there were no other options. Well, a burden fell from his shoulders when he realised that he needed to be on his own for a while. He later met a third woman and is now happily married again.

No close friends – extremely sensitive to the judgments of others – with Lilith in his first house, Casper – a gifted young man – is certainly used to experience confrontations, despite having high ethical standards. Now 2 years later, he is in a different place and has come to terms with the idea that he is primarily responsible for himself and must first and foremost seek his own approval – not others.

Registration for Get help from Heaven is binding and cannot be canceled once you have started.