with myrrh and aloes and all the finest spices.

(Song of Songs 4:14)

 Healing with colors and fragrances Workshop

Presentation of Cybele Onana’s healing face- and body oils, that can boost you on many levels.

  • Delve into an exotic universe of scents
  • Let your nose guide you
  • What does the Bible say about healing?
  • Cybele Onana oils and the Tree of Life
  • Offer of the moment: Walk in Victory

What rain falls in your life? Does your body need to be cleansed, strengthened and revitalized? Are you looking forward to a total transformation starting a new chapter – or a new season? If so then take advantage of the offer of the moment and let Walk in Victory help you in your endeavors. Stand still under the beautiful arch of the sky that embraces all colors and heralds luck and blessings – just as God announced in Genesis
(see also Offer of the moment).

For decades, both physical and psychological imbalances have been healed with the gifts of nature, whether it be plants, roots, flowers or crystals. In Cybele Onana’s beautiful face- and bodyoils of exquisite quality you will find it all and more. All oils are pure, natural products extracted from flowers, trees, bark, roots, etc. and do not contain additives of any kind. They have not undergone any harmful heat treatment and solely contain nature’s own aromatic scents with crystal elixir added.

Smell as a sense is associated with the root chakra and thus the earth. That is why oils are so unsurpassed in healing trauma as they can help you get back into your body and achieve balance. Come and join us for a beautiful evening of colors and scents – and come back again when I’ll deal with: The magical garden. Fragrances of the Bible.

The Bible is indeed a great oracle book of prophecy, mysticism, magic, divination and miracles. Some time ago, I read that the Bible Society’s excellent (Danish) leader previously questioned the word healing until she realized that the Bible can surely be used to heal trauma. Biblical trauma healing is today widespread throughout much of the world. It has been amply recognized that the words of the Bible carry a strong healing power. The Bible also tells us how plants and crystals were used for healing and divination.

Let your nose guide you through a universe of scents to satisfy the longings of your soul and the needs of your body. Get to know yourself through Cybele Onana’s face and body oils that will help you to relax, boost your energy, stimulate your brain, evoke your sensuality, relieve stiffness in the body, heal trauma and much more …. The oils can thus be effective for you who experience nervousness, arthritis, gastro-intestinal problems, breathing problems, phobias, exhaustion, spiritual depression, lack & loss…

Book an evening (or day) to delve into a world of wonderful fragrances.

Price pr. person: D kr. 295 per person (if in Copenhagen and depending on the exact formula for your event: an oil evening or a day-workshop including a lecture with photos, video, exercises… Se Lectures)

Please contact me to schedule a time for your group (approx. 6-10 people).